
The product cycle to successfully bring a product into the market after sensing a need depends heavily on the quality of product cycle systems- in today's business environment the systems need to be intelligent. Product Design & Systems Engineering, Supply Chain & Manufacturing and Distribution & Support Services all of them need intelligent systems. Common sense gets more & more difficult to find as an organisation gathers weight, flab & fat. It does not get lost but tends to remain hidden in organisational folds or behind computer screens. Our intelligent systems allow clients to rediscover that.

'Invention' may happen in isolation but 'Innovation' is necessarily a networked phenomenon with a set of checks & balances. Key set of governance parameter during the product cycle remain optimising cost, weight & value while maintaining performance using design of experiment knowhow which is special to our organisation.We act as enablers to capture, edit, and mature ideas collaboratively, group ideas by category & keyword to find potential synergies and match problems to solutions.

We monitor an organisation's innovation performance (Key Performance Indicators, Dashboard); Use feedback loops to periodically re-evaluate ideas, proposed & completed projects based on new information (e.g. market information, customer perception, sales & technology processes);

We provide a reliable strong platform to review ideas & rejections that no relevant idea is buried or lost; & Storage system to store even seemingly irrelevant ideas as many a times those are the ones that provide disruptive technological breakthroughs. Think tank sessions to stimulate creativity and foster a stress free systematic approach to problem solving with integrated innovation guidelines; Allow cross-functional/cross-departmental sharing (which generally becomes rarer & rarer as the organisation grows), without that kind of involvement there is hardly any ownership, without collective ownership the departments tend to work with cross objectives & water tight compartments, discussion & development for richer and more complete ideas that consider all the relevant aspects of the organisation: e.g. technology, manufacturing, market, financial factors & risk;

We clear fog around innovation & improve visibility in the display window of innovation, identify opportunities earlier & align to the organisation's innovation strategy & objectives derived therefrom.

It is a recognised fact that the supply chain performance bears great risks with respect to cost, quality and timely delivery & ultimately reputation & brand image. The industry has been trying to minimise these risks for years. Unforeseen events & unreliable suppliers can result in disrupting the supply chain with thick skin insensitive attitude leading to huge additional costs - apart from intangible reputational damage - and are the cause of many lost jobs among out sourcing managers as well as financial distress of companies. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. To determine the strength of each link all viewpoints have to be considered so that each link gets independently tested, prior to becoming a part of the supply chain system & even periodically surprise tested via independent specialists afterwards too.

We go along with you all the way to bridge the gap between customer perceptions of your product or service delivery & your imagination of what got delivered vis-à-vis ground reality.

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